Premiering March 3, 2006
Guests: comedian DL Hughley, editor/journalist Graydon Carter, correspondent Dana Priest, fmr. Dir. of FEMA Michael Brown, fmr. CIA case officer/author Bob Baer, actor Harry Anderson
On the Oscars
"There's a movie about a gay cowboy. There's a movie about a gay writer. There's a movie about a transsexual. If these Oscars were any gayer, they'd be the Tonys." – Bill Maher
On Rebuilding New Orleans
"We need to raise money. We have to add two bucks to a pack of cigarettes. We have to add a quarter to a beer. We have to get some money going here and stop looking like a kid with a bowl that Sally Struthers is pitching." – Harry Anderson
On Bush
"He speaks to the audience as if they're idiots. I think the reason he does that is because that's the way these issues were explained to him." – Graydon Carter
"Bush didn't really win on his popularity last time. He won on scaring people that Kerry might do something stupid like, I don't know, sell the ports to the Arabs." – Bill Maher
On Iraq
"We need Saddam or somebody like Saddam back in that country. It's been held together with somebody like him for the last 300 years, and we're not going to do it by democracy." – Bob Baer, Former CIA officer
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