Friday, September 09, 2005

Dreams... Interpretation Q-Z


1. In British mythology, a symbol of fertility, fecundity, and sexual pleasure. The ancient British fertility goddess Oestre, from whose name we get our word Easter, had a pet hare that laid its egg every Spring Equinox so that life would spread throughout the world. Dreaming of a rabbit, therefore, especially one that is affectionate and at ease with you, can be a sign of love and domestic happiness ahead.
2. Dreaming of many rabbits is a sign of new responsibilities - but not unwelcome ones. A new and wonderful opportunity will come your way - but you'll enjoy the work required to accomplish it instead of viewing it as a chore.
3. In Native American mythology, Rabbit is a symbol of needless fear. Therefore, dreaming of a rabbit that is afraid of you means that something in your life is troubling you now - and that your fears are groundless.

1. If the rain is a gentle one, and especially if rainbows are present, this is a positive symbol, foreshadowing the coming of a peaceful interlude and much happiness.
2. If the rain is heavy, this indicates a change in the dreamer's financial fortunes. Depending on his circumstances, it could be a windfall or a major setback.
3. A major thunderstorm with thunder and lightning indicates a sudden and unexpected increase in wealth, possibly through a legacy.
Astrological parallel: Venus.
Tarot parallel: The Wheel of Fortune.

Always a positive symbol. No matter what the rest of the dream implies, if the dream ends with a rainbow, particularly if you find the pot of gold, the dream is a portent of the end of all your troubles followed by much happiness.

1. Dreaming of a black or brown rat is a sign of illness or treachery ahead. In European tradition, rats are associated with theft of foodstuffs and the spread of disease, and therefore seeing brown or black rats running free is a warning to see your doctor and to be careful whom you trust.
2. Seeing brown or black rats in cages, however, is a sign that small irritations in your life will be dealt with. Catching a rat in a trap indicates freedom from worry and a release of tension.
3. White rats, on the other hand, are a sign of protection from beneficent forces or entities around you.

1. A dream of reading a book augurs the collection of knowledge and the resulting progress in whatever department of life the dreamer is concentrating on now.
2. Dreaming of getting a psychic reading indicates an important message. It's important to write these dreams down, as the first thing dreamers usually forget are what's said in the dream.

Good news. Passion. Anger. A warning to control your temper.
Astrological parallel: Aries.

Religious Icon:
1. If the icon featured a portrait of a saint or other religious figure, find out what tradition is associated with that person. For example, if the saint was St. Christopher, then you may be on your way to taking a long journey. If the saint was St. Jude, something wonderful and totally unexpected will happen. If the portrait was of the Virgin Mary, someone will intercede for you in a disagreement and put it to an end.
2. Icons in general seem to bring a message that coming changes in your life, however stressful they may be, are beneficial and can be dealt with fairly easily.

Robber, Robbery (see Stealing)
1. If the dreamer is concerned about safety, security, and financial affairs, this dream could reflect those fears. Whether the fear—that someone in some way is going to rip you off—is real or not depends on the circumstances and other symbols in the dream.
2. If the dreamer is looking for love, this could represent a warning: The dreamer could meet and fall for someone fascinating, but who has an agenda of his or her own and could end up breaking the dreamer's heart.

Running (away from something)
Something in the dreamer's life is difficult to face, and the dreamer would rather run away from it than face it. If such a situation is not readily recognized by the dreamer, looking to the other symbols in the dream should give the answer.
Astrological parallel: Pisces.


1. The meaning of a dream of human skin varies with its condition. If you dream of smooth, beautiful, healthy skin, it foreshadows romantic happiness. If you dream of blotchy or pimply skin, however, it indicates romantic trouble ahead. Peeling skin represents a sloughing off of the old in order to make way for the new.
2. Animal skins are a symbol of death, colored by the nature of the animal. For instance, rabbits represent fear, and if you dream of a rabbit skin that indicates that some of your fears are going to disappear. Dreaming of an ox, however, indicates a loss of strength and stamina. To dream of a coat or stole made of animal skins is a symbol of exploiting the vulnerable for the sake of one's own gain.

Sunny skies denote happiness and prosperity, while cloudy or stormy skies foretell trouble ahead, perhaps family quarrels. The day sky represents the ability to see clearly, while the night sky hints at things hidden from view. The night sky, however, can also represent comfort and security. A sky full of stars, like sunny skies, is an omen of hope, and great opportunities lie ahead.

1. If the sexual encounter is with someone the dreamer loves and desires, and who reciprocates his or her feelings, then happy times with that person lie ahead. If the encounter is with someone whose feelings the dreamer isn't sure of, it could mean the same, but it could also be nothing more than a wish-fulfillment dream. Look to other symbols in the dream in order to discern its true meaning.
2. If the encounter is an unpleasant one with either a stranger or someone whom the dreamer does NOT like, the dreamer is trying to avoid a distasteful choice or confrontation that perhaps should actually be faced.
3. If the encounter is a pleasant one with a partner that the dreamer does not know, then the dreamer is about to gain something that he's been wanting for a long time. Again, to ascertain what it is, look to other symbols in the dream.
Astrological parallels: Venus, Mars, Taurus, Scorpio.
Tarot parallel: The Lovers.

1. Dreaming of a smell often implies an actual physical sensation. Your nose may be picking up an odor that really exists. It's important to be aware of this, especially if the smell is that of smoke or gas. Try to condition yourself to wake up whenever an ominous odor appears in a dream.
2. If this isn't the case, dreaming of pleasant odors such as flowers, the salt air, or good food cooking symbolizes good times ahead, usually associated with whatever is giving off the odor. See Flowers, Beach, Coffee, etc.
3. Dreaming of unpleasant odors is a sign that something is being kept from you - as in the old saying, "I smell a rat."

1. An ancient symbol of transmutation. The dreamer will soon undergo a vast inner change that will be reflected in her outer life. If the dream is a positive and uplifting one, then good times are ahead. If the dream is a scary one, the times ahead may still be good ones, but the dreamer needs to be very careful of pitfalls along the way.
2. An even more ancient symbol for the Great Goddess. If the dreamer is a woman, then she will soon come into realization of her power as a woman. If the dreamer is a man, especially if he is single, a very powerful and exciting woman will soon come into his life—though she may not be a potential love partner.
Astrological parallels: Scorpio, Pluto.
Tarot parallels: The Tower, The Empress.

1. Dreaming of snow is for the most part a very hopeful symbol. Dreaming of a storm, or of deep snowdrifts, implies that hard work lies ahead, but the rewards will be worth it.
2. Snow in the springtime is an attention-getter, emphasizing that something wonderful and surprising, usually financial gain, is just over the horizon
3. Respectively, snow in summer, autumn, and winter indicate success in business, unexpected happiness, and minor difficulties in a situation that nonetheless ends well.
4. Snow on mountaintops augurs good news - and the relief such news brings.

1. If someone is speaking to you, make sure you write down what he or she is saying immediately upon awakening. Even if what's being said is cryptic, or seems to make no sense, it is a message from your Higher Self and needs to be heeded. If the message is in fact rather mysterious, look to other symbols in the dream to see what it actually means. If the speaker is male, then the message from your Higher Self is being filtered through your intellect, and if female, through your supportive mind (emotions and intuition).
2. If someone is speaking to you and yet you don't hear what he or she is saying, then there is some sort of situation in your life that you don't understand, and which you need to understand. Again, for the actual message, look to other symbols in the dream.
3. If you are the one doing the speaking, this is a dream of contrary. Again, it's a message from your Higher Self that you need to understand. If you are giving the message to others, the message is designed not only for you, but for those close to you as well. See 1. and 2. above.
4. If you dream that you or someone else is giving a speech, this is a harbinger of increased social and professional status.

If you are riding in a spaceship, you are destined to travel far and accomplish great things. If you dream of seeing a spaceship, this indicates visitors coming from far away. Dreaming of a UFO acting strangely is a warning that events lie ahead that will require caution, clear-headedness, and stealth.

1. An ancient symbol for weaving, and thus for creativity. The dreamer may be going through a rough time in life, and need to find a creative solution to resolve the situation. Dreaming of a spider can be reassuring: You have it in you to find the solution.
2. If the spider seems threatening, or the web too intricate, the message is that you are complicating things unnecessarily and need to simplify your life.
3. If you are an artist of any kind, Spider heralds a rush of creative activity that could point you in a new career direction. 4. A sign of strength and resiliency. Whatever hard times the dreamer is going through now, she has what it takes to get through them.
Astrological parallels: Venus, Pluto.
Tarot parallels: The Magician, Strength.

Sports (see Ball)
1. If you are playing at a team sport, busy times working with other people lie ahead. Whether or not your team wins or loses indicates your level of success. Losing the game, however, does NOT mean failure. It only indicates delays.
2. If you are watching a team playing a team sport, you may feel isolated from the others around you—being on the "outside looking in." Courage may be necessary for you to join with your community.
3. Participating in an individual event, such as in golf, tennis, swimming or track indicates a strong desire to improve yourself and your circumstances.

1. If the dreamer is climbing the stairs, then he is "on his way to the top." If the staircase is bright and cheery, the climb to the top will be easy and pleasant. But if the staircase is dark and frightening, the dreamer may have to face some unpleasant situations before he gets to where he wants to be.
2. If the dreamer is descending the staircase, and the staircase is a pleasant one, then he may soon complete a difficult task and be able to relax for awhile. But if the staircase is dark and gloomy, or the dreamer is falling down the stairs, then the dreamer may be in danger of being "on his way down." Look to other symbols in the dream to judge how this can be prevented.
3. If someone known to the dreamer is either climbing or descending the staircase, depending on whether the dreamer is at the top or the bottom, that person is either rising or descending to meet the dreamer.
4. If an unknown male figure is either climbing or descending the staircase, then the dreamer's intellect will be challenged in some way. If it's an unknown female figure, then emotional matters will either rise to a major turning point, or fall to a level of normalcy.
Astrological parallels: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto.
Tarot parallel: The Wheel of Fortune.

1) Like The Star card in the Tarot deck, dreaming of a single bright, shining star is a sign that even if things seem bad, there is still hope, and that your desires and destiny will be fulfilled, possibly through the efforts of a friend.
2. If the dream displays a clear sky full of many bright stars, great success lies ahead, but if the stars are pale or obscured by clouds, there will be a period of poverty before you finally attain your goals.
3. A star between the horns of the New Moon indicates that an influential person, probably a woman, will appear on the scene and assist you in attaining your dearest dream.
4. A shooting or falling star implies success after a period of great effort.

Stealing (see Robber)
1. If the dreamer is the one doing the stealing, this is a warning of financial troubles ahead and a need to be frugal, no matter how well you seem to be doing now. Dreaming of getting caught stealing, however, is a dream of contrary and implies good luck.
2. If someone steals from you, then someone is trying to encroach on your territory in some way, and perhaps to take full credit for something you've accomplished. See Robber.

1. The solar plexus chakra, which rules your power center, is located in the abdomen. Therefore, a dream of pain in this region is probably due to the activation of this chakra - and therefore is a dream of contrary. Even though you're feeling pain, the associated chakra activity is increasing your level of power - physical, mental and spiritual - and thus is a harbinger of success and good fortune lying ahead.
2. Dreaming of the actual organ of digestion is very likely a pun. If in the dream you're feeling sick at your stomach, look to other symbols in the dream to see what is going on in your life that you "can't stomach." If you dream of eating and feel that your stomach is full to bursting, perhaps you've been taking on more responsibilities than you should and need to delegate a few.
3. Dreaming of exposing your abdomen in any way, even if it only involves wearing a bikini, is a sign of treachery ahead. Be careful whom you confide in.

1. Dreaming of a familiar street, particularly if it's one you haven't been to for a long time, implies feelings of nostalgia, of wanting to return to scenes from your past, perhaps to regather your resources. If you're not consciously aware of the reason for this, look to other symbols in the dream.
2. A dream of unfamiliar streets indicates that travel is ahead, either actual physical travel or exploring new fields of endeavor.
3. Curving streets indicate happy surprises right around the corner.
4. Dark streets indicate that you are uncertain of what lies ahead for you, and that you're very insecure about the outcome of certain situations. Other symbols in the dream, however, may shed light on what you need to know.
5. Walking down a very long street is an admonition to be patient. You'll attain whatever goals you're currently working toward, but not for quite some time.

1. A male superhero represents a super intellect; thus to dream of seeing Superman, Batman, Spiderman, or whoever indicates that your mind is particularly sharp right now, and if there is a project you're working on that requires a quick, agile, and insightful intellect, this is the time to concentrate primarily on it. Female superheroes such as Wonder Woman or Supergirl indicate a heightened supportive mind - and thus the dreamer's intuition is operating at a very high level. Therefore at this time the dreamer should definitely believe in his or her hunches and go with them - no matter what the intellect tells you.
2. If the dreamer encounters both male and female superheroes, then both faculties of his mind are especially sharp right now. Use your intellect, but when in doubt, follow your heart.
3. If the superhero or heroine is flying, or performing a rescue, then your mental and/or intuitive faculties will save you from an uncomfortable situation.

Strangulation/lack of air/trouble breathing
The dreamer is standing in her own way, either consciously or unconsciously keeping herself from attaining her own dreams due to fear, which can manifest as extreme caution. Look to other symbols in the dream to judge how the dreamer can release herself from that fear.
Astrological parallel: Saturn.
Tarot parallel: The Devil.

An astrological symbol depending very much on the circumstances and other symbols in the dream.
1. The Sun is the giver of life, and therefore dreaming of a bright Sun high in the sky is an omen that you will soon be able to live the kind of life you want. See Sky.
2. A Sun obscured by clouds implies that your current prospects are uncertain right now, and you may need to reevaluate your situation and make some adjustments.
3. The rising Sun represents beginnings and the setting Sun endings. Whether the beginnings or endings are positive depends on the circumstances (especially the weather) and the other symbols in the dream.

1. Leisurely swimming, such as at a beach, in a lake, or in a pool, implies good fortune and easy living ahead, unless the weather is bad, in which case danger could result from doing the wrong thing at the wrong place at the wrong time.
2. Swimming toward the shore indicates getting to where you want to go, but only with a lot of hard work. How difficult that will be depends on the circumstances (especially the weather) and the other symbols in the dream.
3. Swimming for your life in a storm warns of great difficulties ahead. If you reach the shore, or if there is a star or lighthouse guiding your way, you will prevail.
4. Swimming in a meet implies an inner drive to improve yourself. See Sports.


The dream significance of taste is actually pretty straightforward. If you dream of tasting something sweet, then you can take heart - life will be sweet. Eating highly spiced foods is an omen of romantic passion lying ahead, while foul or rotten-tasting foods indicate that someone around you is spreading rumors or otherwise working against you. Bitter or salty tastes indicate disappointments.

1. False or disembodied teeth portend the breakdown of an important relationship in the dreamer's life—not necessarily a romantic one.
2. If the dreamer dreams of aching teeth, this could be a warning of future health problems, possibly involving the teeth but not necessarily. White and beautiful teeth, on the contrary, portend health and happiness.
3. Broken or decayed teeth imply the need for repair in some department of the dreamer's life. Look to other symbols in the dream to judge which one.
4. Dreaming of brushing your teeth implies making major and positive changes in your life.
Astrological parallel: Saturn.

1. Telephone calls from a specific person, living or dead, implies a telepathic message from that person. If the person is living, the dreamer should hear from him or her within a very short time.
2. If the dreamer is making a phone call, she wants to tell someone something but is holding back out of fear.
3. A telephone that is not being used indicates that the dreamer is holding back from making a contact that needs to be made.
Astrological parallel: Mercury/Uranus combinations.
Tarot parallel: The suit of wands.

1. A dream of actually holding onto your tongue with your hand, or with your teeth, is an admonition that you could be tempted to reveal too much, and it's time to "hold your tongue."
2. To see someone sticking their tongue out at you is a dream of contrary; you are more highly respected then you think.
3. To dream of licking or tasting food depends on the nature of the food involved. See Taste.
4. If the dreamer sees a snake with its tongue flickering in and out, someone in his aura "speaks with a forked tongue," or, in other words, isn't being totally up front with him.
5. To see an animal panting with its tongue hanging out indicates that the dreamer has been moving too fast, working "hot and heavy," and needs to stop and take time out.
6. Dreaming of the tongue of a shoe implies that there are issues going on with you now that you don't really understand, and thus you should reserve any comments about them until you do.

1. Vast life changes, for better or for worse, are looming in the near future. Whether the changes are for better or worse can be deduced from other symbols in the dream.
2. A surprise is coming—a surprise so unexpected and outrageous that the dreamer will be "blown away".
Astrological parallel: Uranus, Pluto.
Tarot parallel: The Tower.
1. To dream of being alone in a tower is a sign that the dreamer is NOT in touch with certain circumstances or issues in his life, and needs to understand them thoroughly before taking any action - as in the metaphor, "ivory tower."
2. To see a tower against the sky implies true love and friendship either coming soon or already present in the dreamer's life.
3. To see a tower crumbling and falling implies upset and perhaps even disaster ahead, like The Tower card in the Tarot deck. To discern how to avert or deal with whatever is coming, look to other symbols in the dream.
4. Climbing a winding staircase within a tower indicates that you will have to travel a long way before you reach your most cherished goals.

A symbol of a strong desire for freedom - to come as close as a human being possibly can to flying on his own, whether the dreamer is actually on the trapeze or watching someone else perform. If the dreamer successfully performs a routine on a trapeze, the dreamer will experience the freedom he desires, but if he falls and crashes, he'll very likely fail due to his own shortcomings. If he falls and lands in a safety net, he'll succeed in spite of his shortcomings. Other symbols in the dream can reveal how the dreamer can avoid failure.


1. If the dreamer is a woman, and she dreams of pain or itching in the vaginal area, her Higher Self may be advising her to see a gynecologist. This could also be a warning to be very careful about anyone with whom she's considering becoming sexually involved - and also to be discreet, for her reputation could be threatened.
2. If the dreamer is a man and dreams of looking upon a woman's vagina, this could represent an appearance of the ancient patriarchal fear of "the toothed vagina," indicating a dread of being trapped in a relationship he doesn't want. If he is dating someone at the time, he may need to reconsider the relationship.

1. If the sound is pleasant to the dreamer, the dream symbolizes love, friendship, and an increased social life. If the dreamer is particularly fond of violin music, this could imply a lifting of the spirits, as well as divine inspiration.
2. If the sound was discordant, marred by broken strings, the dreamer can expect petty quarrels to break out in his or her social circle.

1. If the visitor is unknown to the dreamer, then this is a happy portent of new friends and a busy social life. If the visitor is known, good news through a friend should be on the horizon.
2. To dream of visiting someone under ominous circumstances is a warning to beware of those who might spread rumors and gossip about you. But to be a visitor in a happy and well-kept home augurs moving on to bigger and better things.
3. To have someone come to visit you means that someone will be bringing news. Whether or not it's good news or bad news depends on other symbols in the dream.

1. A dormant volcano indicates something that seems calm and peaceful but is ready to explode and make a lot of waves. This could indicate the temper of a friend or family member, or of a boss or supervisor.
2. An erupting volcano indicates a situation that has been ignored for a long time and finally can be held back no longer. Depending on the other symbols in the dream, however, this can also be a dream of contrary: Something wonderful that you've almost given up on will finally happen for you.


Water (see Ocean)
1. If the dreamer is drinking water, this is a symbol for enjoying life. If the dreamer is at presently in bad circumstances, dreaming of drinking water implies that good times are ahead.
2. Clear, calm water portends happiness, while river rapids or crashing surf implies rough times on the horizon.
3. A waterfall, particularly if there is also a rainbow in the dream, indicates success, happiness, and wealth coming into the dreamer's life.
Astrological parallel: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Tarot parallel: The suit of cups.

Weapon (see Gun, Knife)
1. Using a weapon of any kind in a competent and confident manner implies aggressiveness in pursuing one's goals. Using a weapon clumsily is a sign that the dreamer doubts his ability to attain his goals.
2. Being threatened by a weapon hints that the dreamer feels that everyone is against him. Whether or not that is true, and if true, what the solution is, can be deduced from other symbols in the dream.
Astrological parallel: Mars.
Tarot parallel: The suit of swords.

Purity. Success well earned.

A sign that the Universe is trying to convey important information to the dreamer, but that the dreamer is either too afraid or too distracted to hear it. The content of the message can be deduced from other symbols in the dream, or from various signs and portents in the dreamer's waking life.

The wind represents movement, and the type of movement involved is dictated by the circumstances.
1. Dreaming of being out in a cold, blustery wind implies having to take action under adverse circumstances.
2. Dreaming of a calm, gentle wind that caresses your face is reassurance that you are surrounded by people who deeply love and care for you. A brisk, steady breeze portends success in business enterprises.
3. Being caught up in an extreme form of wind such as a cyclone or tornado is a warning to get your affairs in order now if you don't want to have a lot of trouble later.

1. A general symbol for the need to see through something that is clouding the dreamer's life.
2. A broken window hints at a change in the dreamer's living circumstances.
3. The state or type of the window is an important clue. Open windows are a sign of welcome; closed windows a sign of cut-off communications. Bay windows are a sign of success and good fortune, while storm windows indicate trouble ahead.
Astrological parallels: Neptune, Pisces.

1. If the dreamer is a woman, dreaming of a witch could represent her own senex, or that part of her psyche that is older and wiser. Thus any message that she receives from the witch is important, and should be written down immediately upon awakening.
2. If the dreamer is a man, he needs to take a good, long, honest look at his attitude toward women. He may be caught up in the notion that all women are out to get him.
3. If the witch is friendly in the dream, whether the dreamer is a man or a woman, it augurs an increased social life.
4. If the witch is the ominous Halloween figure, rough times in romance lie ahead.

1. Dreams of writing letters can mean the need to get in touch with people whom you haven't spoken with in awhile.
2. Dreams of writing novels, plays or stories indicate that there is a creative streak in you that needs an outlet. Many great authors have received inspiration from their dreams.
3. To dream of writing and not knowing what you're writing is a warning that you may be inadvertently communicating messages to others that they are misinterpreting in an insulting way.


1. If the dreamer is shouting to someone, it represents a desperate need to reach that person. If the "someone" is unknown to the dreamer, the dreamer needs to seek information from someone as yet unknown—as phoning up a librarian to find out if the library has a certain book.
2. If someone is shouting at the dreamer, if the dreamer knows that person, then he has been shutting out vital communications from that person. If the shouter is unknown to the dreamer, then there is information that the dreamer needs to seek out.
Astrological parallels: Mercury, Mars.

Intellect. A problem or puzzle to be solved. Possible setbacks.
Astrological parallels: Gemini. Also, for Gold: Leo.


1. If the animals were happy, then dreaming of a zoo portends travels in distant places. If children were with you, whatever you want to accomplish in those places will be successful.
2. If the animals were upset or agitated, then your view of the world is a bit jaded right now. You're viewing the world as a crazy, violent place, where no one is safe - as in the metaphor, "this place is a zoo."

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