Leading PC manufacturers Samsung Electronics and Sony are bracing themselves for battle in the market for small portable computers. After Samsung Electronics introduced an “ultra-mobile” PC early this month, Sony has now unveiled an even more portable hand-sized PC.
Sony released the VAIO UX, a pocket PC with a 4.5 inch screen, in Korea on Monday. Equipped with Intel’s mobile CPU, it comes with a small keyboard and has two built-in cameras to allow users to make video phone calls online or record high-quality video clips.

The new VAIO is targeted at the same market as Samsung Electronics’ UMPC, experts say. Both of them offer improved portability to a niche market of mobile users. The Samsung UMPC garnered much attention as the product of cooperation between three giants in the field: Samsung, Intel and Microsoft.
The UMPC is sized halfway between a PDA and a laptop. Its screen measures 7 inches, and the whole device weighs around 700 g as against the VAIO UX’s 500 g. Samsung claims the device is “soaring” in popularity, with some 3,000 sold so far.
The two firms are also set to compete head-on in a putative market for mini laptops. Mini laptops will weigh around 1 kg, which makes them also easy to carry around, and they have found some favorable advance notice with news that they are almost the equal of their larger predecessors in terms of performance.
(englishnews@chosun.com )